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Online Resources for Students of the U.S.-Mexican War

ENTIRE ANTIQUARIAN BOOKS from Google Books! (These are in PDF format and most are rather large files. A high speed connection will download most of them in minutes; on a dial-up connection, the download will take much, much longer.)

There are a few other odd titles such as sermons delivered on the topic of the Mexican War. You may search for yourself at Google Books

DOWNLOADABLE IMAGES of the MEXICAN WAR from the LIBRARY of CONGRESS (LOC). The LOC has tons of free, downloadable jpgs and archival-quality tiffs of Mexican War images. Use the link below to go to the LOC's search page. Type in "Mexican War" and then hit the SEARCH button. You will be amazed at how many files are available.

The larger size files make attractive frameable prints!

Search the Library of Congress for downloadable Mexican War images.

DOWNLOADABLE IMAGES of the MEXICAN WAR from WIKIPEDIA COMMONS (LOC). Wikipedia Commons has tons of free, downloadable jpgs of Mexican War images. Use the link below to access the list.

Mexican War Images from Wikipedia Commons.

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Copyright © 1996-2007 by the Descendants of Mexican War Veterans. All rights reserved.